Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Winter Wonderland

Anne and I had our engagement photos taken while we were in Kelowna. I was able to meet up with a fellow grad and friend from TWU, and he gave as a killer deal. It was a very good time.
Stefan said that he'd mail me a CD with all of the images, within the coming weeks.


  1. Great shot man -- they look very good. By the way, when I signed up for this account I had to type in a "verification word". The word was "eurphram", which sounds to me like a fictional respiratory organ. Strange.

  2. Hahaha- that's awesome Noah.

    Thanks in regards to the photo(s). Eurphram is a ballin word. By the way, did you create that account, or is it just a temporary account?

    You should pwn n00bs and create a blog.
